Write a Book That Serves the World (This works great for procrastinators!)

BY: Lauren Sapala
POSTED: January 9, 2023
IN: Body

Over the years, I have worked with many writers who dream of writing a book that will help serve humanity. Much of the time, the writer has experienced some sort of deep trauma, gone through a healing journey because of that trauma, and then come out on the other side with a unique perspective on everything they experienced. Usually in these cases, the writer realizes that what they’ve learned could greatly benefit others who are currently going through the same sort of trauma they experienced, and that the best way to get this knowledge into the hands of other people is to write a book that contains all of the insights the writer learned the hard way.

However, it can be confusing to write this kind of book that serves the world when you have no idea what direction you need to go in to even start. Some writers feel it’s important to include extremely personal pieces of their own journey (memoir), and some want to focus more on learning strategies for the reader (self-help). Some feel like they might want to do a mix of the two, but they’re unsure about how to pull that all together.

Needless to say, confusion around writing this type of nonfiction book is very common. What writers really need is help and direction, from someone who has been there before. I talk about this more in the video below:

Maybe it’s a result of the pandemic, or maybe it’s because of other world events, but last year I received the most questions and inquiries ever from people asking how to go about writing this type of nonfiction book that is based on their own experiences, and that will help move the world forward in a positive way. That’s why I’ve created my new live class that starts on Jan 11, called Write Publish Market Your Nonfiction Book. It’s going to be designed specifically for writers who are interested in memoir, self-help writing, and/or a mix of the two, and it will cover all three of those fundamental bases: writing, publishing, and marketing.

If this sounds like it’s speaking to you, be sure to sign up for my newsletter HERE to get all the updates about the new class, and subscribe to my YouTube channel HERE to see the next two videos I’ll be releasing in this series. If you have any questions about the class, you can send them to me here.

Happy New Year everyone, and I hope I see you in the new class!

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