I went to Jacob when I had the seed of an idea. An idea that I knew had potential. An idea that I wanted to pursue. An idea I had no idea where to start. I sat down with him over a strong cup of coffee and laid it on him. Like in the movies, he immediately pulled out a napkin, and started taking notes, and drawing pictures, and sketching hieroglyphics. After he was done, he had the bones of a well-thought-out business plan that was creative and actionable.
Over the next few months I would talk to Jacob about thoughts, fears and questions I had about this journey. He was always calm and supportive. Gently guiding me towards the safer path and away from paths that were higher risk or unreasonable.
I still have that napkin.
I also have a 6-figure business!
Jacob is who you want in your corner and on your shoulder as you are embarking on something that is important to you but you do not have the map. Jacob has the map.