By: Kitty
October 2, 2023

Reading Time: mins


Dale Carnegie’s wisdom reminds us that our reactions to circumstances shape our emotions. Moments of Feeling Stuck We’ve all experienced those moments when it feels like we’re trapped in a quagmire. It’s a time when we might feel immobilized, question our worth, and find ourselves in a state of bewilderment. We yearn to move forward, […]

By: James McGinley
August 21, 2023

Reading Time: mins


We all need some quiet time. Typically, it means getting away from all the external noise in our lives, such as overlapping demands, chaotic conversations, and pressure to do or think what others want us to. The result is we get saturated and overloaded. We just want to get away from it all for a […]

By: Ricky Lyman
August 14, 2023

Reading Time: mins


Search in the depths of yourself, and you’ll find a Trickster. Dodging into the shadows. Ducking behind the rocks. Running from cave to cave. Planting booby traps, sabotaging trails, and masterminding the next crisis in your life. This Trickster doesn’t seem to want the same things as you. It’s apparent concern is disturbing your peace […]

By: Lisa Campion
March 7, 2023

Reading Time: mins


There comes a time in our psychic and spiritual development where we cannot move forward without having a consistent spiritual practice. If you wanted to get physically fit, you would put your time into working out and it takes more than one workout to get you there. The same goes for working out your psychic […]

By: Ricky Lyman
February 20, 2023

Reading Time: mins


You’re here, reading this because of a universal series of causes and effects throughout all of the time. Frankly, it’s a miracle you’re here. But we’ll get to that later :) These causes and effects seem to govern our life, our environment, and the decisions we make. It’s your place in society, your chosen identity, […]

By: Lisa Campion
January 5, 2023

Reading Time: mins


I was walking my dog in the woods yesterday when it hit me like a ton of bricks. CONSCIOUSNESS. Wham.  It was The Frying Pan of Truth whacking me over the head. It was a gorgeous day, a perfect fall day, the kind we only get here in New England. Crisp fall air like a […]

By: Dr. Steven Farmer
December 27, 2022

Reading Time: mins


Breath. It’s something you can be aware of or turn over to your autonomic nervous system, which is linked directly into your survival instinct, and your body just . . . well, knows how to breathe. So you don’t have to think about it or put your attention directly on it. It just happens by […]

By: Dr. Steven Farmer
December 8, 2022

Reading Time: mins


I turned the corner to head to the nearby park, my two dogs Sampson and Scout meandering alongside me, when I spotted her. I stopped in my tracks, took a deep breath, and felt my body relax. For several moments I gazed at her timeless beauty, glowing brightly, surrounded by a faint necklace of orange-yellow […]

By: Dr. Steven Farmer
October 17, 2022

Reading Time: mins


In case you hadn’t noticed, we are going through an increasingly challenging era in this emerging cycle of the planet’s evolution. Mother Earth continues to change and evolve as she has done for over 4½ billion years. Yet, largely due to our human species’ influence, catastrophic fires, droughts, floods, heat waves, and other evidence of […]

By: Lisa Campion
September 26, 2022

Reading Time: mins


Someone asked me the other day what they could do to raise their vibration and what even that actually means. We are really made of energy as well as matter, and our “vibration” is all about our life force energy and how high frequency it is. As energy healers and Reiki practitioners, we help people […]



February 2025
At the Institute for Creative Living, we help you connect with what matters most so you can find your spark & thrive across every domain of life.
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